- Standard 2: Students analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, social media, technology, and other determinants on health behaviors.
Analyzing positive and negative influences is an essential life skill critical for helping students establish, manage, and maintain healthy and safe behaviors. Analyzing influences helps to build health literacy as students examine diverse internal and external factors and their effects on personal health practices and behaviors.
Internal influences on health behaviors include perceptions of social norms, personal attitudes, values and beliefs, self-efficacy, and health-related behaviors. External influences on health behavior include family, peers, school, community, culture, media, social media, technology, and policies along with governmental regulations and their enforcement. This standard provides students with the opportunity to examine how society impacts health behaviors. Analyzing influences also addresses equity (e.g., rights, opportunity, and unprejudiced treatment of all) and other health determinants.
Teachers foster students’ confidence, self-efficacy, and skill competence in analyzing influences when they:
- Discuss the importance and relevance of analyzing influences on health behaviors and well-being.
- Explain that students have the capability of learning how to analyze influences on health behaviors.
- Present strategies for analyzing influences on health behaviors.
- Model how to analyze influences on health behaviors.
- Use real-life scenarios to analyze influences on health behaviors.
- Allow time and opportunity for students to practice skills related to analyzing influences on health behaviors.
- Provide performance-based feedback and reinforcement when analyzing influences on health behaviors.
2.2.1 Identify family influences on health behaviors.
2.2.2 Explain how school personnel (e.g., teachers, custodians, bus drivers, food service workers) influence health behaviors.
2.2.3 Identify ways in which media, social media, and technology (e.g., television, movies, video games, advertisements, apps, and other screen time). influence health behaviors.
2.2.4 Recognize positive influences on personal health behaviors.
2.2.5 Recognize negative influences on personal health behaviors.
2.5.1 Examine influences of family and culture on health behaviors.
2.5.2 Describe how peers influence health behaviors.
2.5.3 Describe ways in which schools and neighborhoods influence health behaviors.
2.5.4 Explain how media, social media, and technology (e.g., television, movies, video games, advertisements, apps, and other screen time) influence health behaviors.
2.5.5 Identify positive internal and external influences on personal health behaviors.
2.5.6 Identify negative internal and external influences on personal health behaviors.
2.8.1 Explain how personal attitudes, values, and beliefs influence health behaviors.
2.8.2 Analyze the influence of family and culture on health behaviors.
2.8.3 Analyze how peers influence health behaviors.
2.8.4 Explain how perceptions of social norms and expectations influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
2.8.5 Analyze how media, social media, and technology (e.g., television, movies, video games, advertisements, apps, and other screen time) influence health behaviors.
2.8.6 Explain how school rules, community norms, and governmental policies and laws influence health behaviors.
2.8.7 Analyze how education level and income influence health behaviors.
2.8.8 Identify factors that influence opportunities to obtain safe, equitable, culturally appropriate, and affordable products and services that support personal health behaviors.
2.12.1 Analyze how personal attitudes, values, and beliefs influence health behaviors.
2.12.2 Analyze the influence of family and culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors.
2.12.3 Analyze how peers and perceptions of norms influence health behaviors.
2.12.4 Analyze how the availability of information and health services in school and community settings influence personal health behaviors.
2.12.5 Analyze how laws, rules, policies, and regulations influence health promotion and disease prevention.
2.12.6 Evaluate messages conveyed in media, social media, and technology (e.g., television, movies, video games, advertisements, apps, and other screen time) to determine their influence on health behaviors.
2.12.7 Analyze how determinants of health (e.g., education level, employment, housing and income) influence health behaviors.
2.12.8 Analyze the factors that influence opportunities to obtain safe, accessible, equitable, culturally appropriate, and affordable products and services that support health behaviors for themselves and others.
2.12.9 Describe how societal issues of inequity, discrimination, and injustice influence the ability to engage in healthy behavior.
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